Quizás para los más experimentados coleccionistas el libro quede en cierto modo escaso de contenido, pero como ya he apuntado más arriba, la finalidad no ha sido otra que ayudar a los nuevos coleccionistas en sus primeras andanzas en el mundo de la búsqueda y obtención de información sobre Geyperman. Además, los datos sobre las distintas colecciones de Geyperman son muy escasos y contradictorios. Existieron muchas variaciones y por ello no era la intención hacer un libro que recopilase listados de diferentes modelos de cascos, o tipos de botas según el periodo o equipo en el que se incluyese. En un principio consideré que era más útil el reconocer visualmente los diferentes equipos para poder completar poco a poco las diferentes colecciones. Es posible que alguna de las descripciones no sea tan precisa como debiera, o incluso que haya alguna errata, por la cual pido disculpas y agradecería un comentario al respecto, siempre considerando que el libro no incluye todas las variaciones comercializadas por Geyper.
Tal vez este libro sea para disfrutarlo más visualmente que conceptualmente. Por ello he huido de cualquier estructura formal. Simplemente se ha ido modelando a partir de las distintas colecciones de Geyperman e incorporando, aleatoriamente, los diferentes accesorios o vehiculos disponibles en los catálogos. Al principio del libro se dan unas pequeñas pinceladas históricas para centrar a la figura en su contexto, pero tampoco de una forma definida. Todo ello ha sido para evitar que el resultado sea simplemente un catecismo de coleccionista en el que todo lleva un orden y es perfectamente previsible.
El libro consta de 143 páginas tamaño DIN-A4, con ilustraciones a color, esquemas, y comentarios sobre las figuras, equipos, vehículos, complementos, etc. Está encuadernado en tapas rústicas y encolado.
A continuación se muestran algunas páginas en las que se puede apreciar el contenido del libro.
Dadas las limitaciones arriba indicadas, el libro no se va a difundir por otra vía comercial salvo la de venta directa o por internet. Esta última será realizada por mí a traves de las páginas de e-bay ue o Todocolección. Si alguien quiere tener más información al respecto, puede escribir al correo electrónico mevafer@telefonica.net. Cualquier otra difusión a cargo de terceros ya no será responsabilidad del autor y por tanto no puede garantizarse la calidad del artículo.
Up to date there is no book or printed publication regarding this action figure. It is different if we are talking about other similar international figures like GI-Joe, Action Man or Action Joe. This is the reason why I started this project 3 years ago and got my kicks on the long road to publish a book about Geyperman.
During my early days as a collector, it was brought to my attention that most of the existing information about this toy –or even about Geyper factory- was really poor. There are almost no records about it and the main information comes from the good –and sometimes pretty creative- memory of the Geyperman collectors. Most of them use to give their opinion, childhood recalls or even pictures, to the rest of the community in order to complete the whole puzzle of our golden days playing with Geyperman. For every new collector the new information is much appreciated, and therefore they spend a lot of time looking for it in different internet pages. To me there are 3 essential pages:
- Yoon's Collector Geyperman Guide
- El museo Geyperman by José Ángel Martínez
- La Guía Gráfica de Geyperman
It is unquestionable that the last one is the most complete and accurate of them all. You can find all of the sets that were commercialized and even more every piece that was included in each of them, of course including detailing pictures. In addition, there is a Forum –in Spanish- where there are several posts about the figures, vehicles, variations, trade, etc.
After getting many information from these pages and from many other sources –collectors, books, toy fairs, and even from Geyper company employees-, I started to create a draft of the book that is now presented in this post.
It is possible that this book is not as complete as desirable for the most experienced collectors, but as it was mentioned above the intention is to help those people that are now beginning to collect Geyperman figures. In addition, there are a few sources (and in many cases contradictories) where you can find any data about the collections. There were so many variations about the same items that it would be very difficult, and may be also a bit boring, to generate a book just to describe all of these pieces.
I would like to apologize because it is very likely that in some cases the description is not as accurate as someone may want, and even there are some mistakes in the book. Any comment or feedback about the book and its mistakes is welcomed.
This is a visual book. For this reason I have escaped from any conventional structure and the different sets have been added according to the general reference number, but including some descriptions of different accessories or vehicles in a randomized way.
Some historical notes about Geyperman and similar action figures can be also found in the first pages of the book.
The book has 143 DIN-A4 pages including full colored pictures, illustrations, graphs and comments about the figures, outfits, vehicles, accessories, boxes, etc.
You can see above some examples of pictures of book pages.
This book has been published with the appropriate permissions. Both Hasbro Ltd. and Geyper have given their permission to use the figures and trade name to the author of the book. It was agreed that the edition of the book had to be limited to 200 units as there was no economical benefit behind the publication of the visual guide. Only 150 units will be available for selling.
The autor has all the rights about editing and printing the book. All legal requirements for registering the book have been successfully obtained and therefore all the copyrights granted.
Due to the small number of units available the book is going to be commercialized via internet or direct selling. You can get your book (until end of stock) sending an email to mevafer@telefonica.net. Any other way of trading is not responsibility of the author and therefore the product quality cannot be warranted.
Finally, I wish everyone that finally gets this book, enjoys it as much as I did while it was written.
1 comentario:
No sabrás, por casualidad, si GEYPER era un acrónimo o era nombre de marca (oapellido).
Me harías muy feliz si lo supieras
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