15 abr 2007

 Uniforme perteneciente a la colección de Soldados del Mundo basado en el cuerpo de élite británico. La referencia más completa es la 7104 que incluye uniforme más accesorios. Posteriormente se comercializó otra caja más pequeña pero bastante completa (Ref. 7604). Es característico de este uniforme su boina con la insignia del Regimiento. Es uno de los modelos que quizá haya tenido mas cambios en sus complementos a lo largo del tiempo. Así, la gorra y el cinturón eran inicialmente de tela para luego pasar a ser de goma. Las cartucheras iniciales eran de goma y posteriormente se moldearon en plástico duro. La chaqueta pasó de ser abrochada en cremallera a botones y en los accesorios un foco sustituyó a una brújula. 


Foco (o brújula) 
Subfusil de asalto
Bayoneta con funda.

PARACHUTE REGIMENT. This outfit from the Soldiers of the world collection is an imitation of the Action Man Parachute Regiment (cat. ref. 34301) except in the beret color (black instead of red). The most complete set is ref 7104 including uniform and accessories. There is a later version also including all the equipment in small box (Ref. 7604). The beret including the regiment insignia is quite realistic. There were many variations in this uniform since it was initially commercialized. For example, initially there was a cloth beret instead of the later plastic one or the cartridges were changed from a opening version to a fix one. Also the web belt was changed to a new version made of vinyl and the jacket was changed from zipper to buttons. Finally the compass was changed to a signal lamp. Outfit: Beret, jacket, trousers, boots, belt, puttees and scarf. Accessories: signal lamp (compass), SLR rifle, bayonet, scabbard, pistol, holster, ammunition pouchs.

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